I am going to put the work in to make a post jam version of this game - I hope that it shall be a shooter of some kind - any features people would like to see?
I would like to see at least 1 or 2 more maps, also it would be cool if you add in a randomizer, changes the placement of the citizens/targets every time you restart or every time you activate it. That's all I can think of at the moment.
New Time: 32.41739 | 0.11 seconds faster than my last best run. I just stopped after 10 complete runs (each run has around 20 resets before I get the desired pace). Genuinely good luck for anyone attempting to speedrun the game, I want to see if there is someone I can compete with (Xenon, seems pretty good). Tiny Tap - Press the "View Rest" for some feedback.Also, this is a note to Tiny Tap, when starting up the game, it states your high score and WR is 500 seconds, but after completing one run it resets to your current run score as your best time, then is reveals the WR of 33.3 (which I don't know who got this time as the best only time I saw that is under 34 seconds is mine, but it is 33.7 seconds). Additionally, every time you reset, either by reaching the end or resetting during a run. This causes the screen of your best time and WR to come up, leaving you to press "U" to open the bullet menu, thus overriding the time menu, then "U" again to exit the bullet menu to finally play.
when i started the game the score page plopped up and did not disappear. sorry but i could noit play the game. also for some reason my score was always 500000
i seem to get a few comments like this so i shall address it here.
Before you comment saying that my game doesn't have a much needed feature (like full auto) please read the description of the game or the MASSIVE TV at the start for some controls.
Just to clarify, what do you mean "unit I figure out how". I'm just okay at video games (my friends are honestly better in aiming a little bit and strategically) and the route I took is pretty simply, I just hit the targets in different orders to better fit by shooting style. Though I do little things that decrease my time by a few seconds. I could probably send a drawing of a route from an up-down p.o.v. if your want.
Oh, just an idea , could you possibly make it so you can change the restart key or make it so you can change the key binds. Also I would like you to know every time you reset the level it also resets your in-game sensitivity setting. You can fix this on on your own time I'm just bringing little things to light that you may not know about. Also, really nice game you have here.
a good idea and fun, but you don't want to hit civilians so you probably wouldn't need very many bullets even if they weren't heavy. but I guess that missing is also a thing, and full auto is fun and all.... here's my high score :D someone got it to 33.7 seconds??? are they jesus??????? fps jesus??
If you are talking about both of the tires at the end and beginning then, yes I did. Also did you know when you jump then sprint it makes you glide. Maintaining most of your height, while you very slowly descend. Also to jump the highest you need to stand still, so you can't jump when sprinting. Was that intentional?
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i really enjoy this game i hope you make more of these games
wish you a good luck there was a few bugs but i got thro it
Thanks! - As a matter of fact, I am actually working on a game similar to this right now but I am not sure if I will ever release it
oh cool
i cant get rid of the menu on my screen
sorry i dont rlly support this game anymore but I think this issue is due to me exporting the game incorrectly
me too
I keep getting faster and faster
To be honest I had forgotten about this game
I am going to put the work in to make a post jam version of this game - I hope that it shall be a shooter of some kind - any features people would like to see?
I would like to see at least 1 or 2 more maps, also it would be cool if you add in a randomizer, changes the placement of the citizens/targets every time you restart or every time you activate it. That's all I can think of at the moment.
New Time: 32.41739 | 0.11 seconds faster than my last best run. I just stopped after 10 complete runs (each run has around 20 resets before I get the desired pace). Genuinely good luck for anyone attempting to speedrun the game, I want to see if there is someone I can compete with (Xenon, seems pretty good). Tiny Tap - Press the "View Rest" for some feedback.
Also, this is a note to Tiny Tap, when starting up the game, it states your high score and WR is 500 seconds, but after completing one run it resets to your current run score as your best time, then is reveals the WR of 33.3 (which I don't know who got this time as the best only time I saw that is under 34 seconds is mine, but it is 33.7 seconds). Additionally, every time you reset, either by reaching the end or resetting during a run. This causes the screen of your best time and WR to come up, leaving you to press "U" to open the bullet menu, thus overriding the time menu, then "U" again to exit the bullet menu to finally play.
yep, i 100% know about this glitch, thanks for stating the conditions of this. I shall get right to fixing it - for a post jam game
when i started the game the score page plopped up and did not disappear. sorry but i could noit play the game. also for some reason my score was always 500000
thanks for alerting me to this issue, what browser were you using? (btw it is 500.000 because I am English and . means decimal place in England)
You, are able to play, though the WR is stuck at 500. To fix "not playing" press "u" then exit out of that menu.
why does this absolute lad know more about my game then I do lol
i seem to get a few comments like this so i shall address it here.
Before you comment saying that my game doesn't have a much needed feature (like full auto) please read the description of the game or the MASSIVE TV at the start for some controls.
After around at least 20 runs, shaved off 1.2 seconds off my best (33.7). Yay, I'm still working on a 31 or 30 second run.
Tiny Tap, the tire collider fix helped a ton, keep up the good work.
:) will make a full game with enemies when i have more time
I think I am going to have to announce that you are FPS Jesus - until I figure out how lol
Just to clarify, what do you mean "unit I figure out how". I'm just okay at video games (my friends are honestly better in aiming a little bit and strategically) and the route I took is pretty simply, I just hit the targets in different orders to better fit by shooting style. Though I do little things that decrease my time by a few seconds. I could probably send a drawing of a route from an up-down p.o.v. if your want.
BUG FIX TIME! -updated high score, removed game crashing glitch, added better post processing, changed tire colliders.
Oh, just an idea , could you possibly make it so you can change the restart key or make it so you can change the key binds. Also I would like you to know every time you reset the level it also resets your in-game sensitivity setting. You can fix this on on your own time I'm just bringing little things to light that you may not know about. Also, really nice game you have here.
ooohhh, ok that is a very good point, i forgot to set a playerPref
a good idea and fun, but you don't want to hit civilians so you probably wouldn't need very many bullets even if they weren't heavy. but I guess that missing is also a thing, and full auto is fun and all....
here's my high score :D
someone got it to 33.7 seconds??? are they jesus??????? fps jesus??
wow! I wonder how? I'm not going to set the WR to that because I don't have a screenshot, sorry (if he can replicate it then I will)
never mind, I have seen the post
like many unity webgl games this won't load in BRAVE browser. I like the screenies tho.
I think it only loads in Internet Explorer - i will include a PC build
Anybody with a better time?
Got a bit faster with this run.
oh my - Thats very impressive
Did you use a convenient tire jumping spot that I only just discovered by any chance?
If you are talking about both of the tires at the end and beginning then, yes I did. Also did you know when you jump then sprint it makes you glide. Maintaining most of your height, while you very slowly descend. Also to jump the highest you need to stand still, so you can't jump when sprinting. Was that intentional?
no, it most definitely wasnt. thank you very much for bringing this to my attention, i hope to fix it when possible (I might be too late tho)
this is so fun! but i dont quite see how it fits the theme :/
less ammo = more speed
like when you shoot out amo you get faster?
If you read the controls, you find that you can change the amount of ammo you start with by pressing U
ooooh i missed that oh well
Nice game. would love to play a bigger version soon.
i would really love a different fire sound
after the jam i am going to redo all the sounds and make actual enemies
niiice - will update as soon as i can
the battle continues!
I will avenge myself.
it seems that you have been beaten
I hate to break it to you but you have been beaten by about 4 seconds
I think forward speed is too slow, but it's a cool looking game!
thats the gimmick - the more bullets you have the slower you go
ok I just upped the speed multiplier - should be better now (Thx for the advice)
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